Judge Karen DeSanto Kellogg

Notice Regarding Courthouse Security Screening
Effective immediately, the Court WILL NOT accept double-sided pleadings. Additionally, ALL DOCUMENTS filed with the Court must be accompanied by a pleading with a complete case caption, the case number, a description of the document being filed and why it is being filed with the Court, and the signature of counsel, or the party, if unrepresented by counsel, and a certificate of service, if required by law. Pleadings which do not conform to this instruction may be rejected for filing with the Court.
The Honorable Karen DeSanto Kellogg was elected by the Ashland County voters to serve as their Juvenile and Probate Judge in 2020. Judge DeSanto Kellogg is a life-long resident of Ashland County. She obtained her Juris Doctorate Degree from Cleveland State University and she was admitted to the bar as an attorney in Ohio in 2000.
Service to the public is a core value passed down to Judge DeSanto Kellogg through her family. She has served as an Assistant Prosecutor in Morrow, Richland and Ashland Counties and she has most recently been in private practice in Ashland County, Ohio, with a concentration on family matters. She has previously served as a Board Member and Chair of the Appleseed Community Mental Health Board and is the former Secretary of the Ashland Parenting Plus Board.
Judge Kellogg holds the following Values & Beliefs for Ashland County Juvenile and Probate Court:
- Dignity and respect is conveyed in all interactions with the youth and families, the public and each other.
- Honesty, integrity and fairness are the foundations for our work.
- Teamwork assists the achievement of goals.
- Quality and excellence drive our objectives.
- Punctuality & timeliness propel effective interventions.
- Professional commitment and follow-through enhance positive outcomes.
- Change is a necessary ingredient to healthy organizations.
- Professional development and continuing education strengthen effective interactions.
- Effective communication guides positive responses.
- Data-driven decision-making ensures positive outcomes.
- Effective partnerships with Juvenile Justice and Social Service stakeholders, is key to systemic success.
- Rehabilitation within the context of public safety is the foundation of our work with youth.
- Diversity and inclusiveness increase organizational value and capacity.
- Community voices/input help guide quality assurance and future direction.
- Critical analysis assists in eliminating inefficiencies and waste.
- Performance appraisals enhance productivity and job satisfaction.
- Professional affiliations facilitate the advancement of professional values.